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June 4, 2015, +12 ~ +25, 맑음 날씨도 좋고 간만에 다운타운을 걸어보았다.원랜 영&블루어에서 시청까지만 걸으려고 했던 건데어쩌다 보니 킹 스트릿까지 방문을 ㅋㅋㅋ평일 저녁인데도 역시 킹 스트릿은 젊음이 넘쳐흐르는 핫스팟이었다.The weather was good and it's been a while that I haven't gone downtownso I planed to walk from Yonge & Bloor to city hall.But I ended up walking until King street. lolEven though it was a weekday, it's fitting that there were full of young people as it is a hot spot. 더보기
May 31, 2015, +7 ~ +12, 비 요즘 다시 운동을 시작했다.이게 백수생활도 질려가고하다보니 삶의 활력을 위해?분명 윗몸일으키기나 벤치프레스도 하고는 있지만솔직히 러닝머신 위에서 드라마나 쇼프로보자는 일석이조?그래놓고는 저녁엔 어김없이 술술술 ㅋㅋㅋI started to go to the gym recently.I may do it for energetic life? as I am getting bored of jobless life.I definitely do a sit up or bench pressbut honestly, It's to watch my shows while running on a treadmill like one stone two birds?And I don't skip drinking at night. lol 더보기
May 29, 2015, +18 ~ +26, 맑음 요즘 들어서 일주일에 한 번씩 이튼센터를 가는 것 같다.오늘은 심심해서 구경도 할 겸 수영복을 하나 마련하려고 아베크롬비를 들렀다.원래 여름엔 홀리스터를 주로 입는데 수영복들이 좀 맘에 안들더라.아베크롬비에서도 딱히 괜찮은게 없어서 그냥 제일 무난한 걸로...I go to Eaton Center at least once a week these days. I was bored at home so I went there again to look around and stopped at Abercrombie to get a swimsuit.I usually wear Hollister during summer but I couldn't find anything that caught my eye.I couldn't.. 더보기