너무하다. 도를 지나치다. 영어로?
열심히 했는데도 결과가 안 좋을때가 종종 있다.
낙심해서 주눅들어 있는데 핀잔까지 들으면
정말 단전에서부터 끌어올라오는 분노!!!
너무하다. 도를 지나치다.
영어로 어떻게 표현할까?
That's too much!
Sam : I was only 5 mins late for the curfew and got grounded for a week.
통금에 5분 늦었다고 일주일간 외출금지당했어.
Alice : That's (just) too much!
You're too much!
Alice : The only reason I date him is that he's rich.
부자라 사귀고 있는거 뿐야.
Sam : You're too much! how could you?
너무해! 어떻게 그래?
Sam : Will you call me 5 times a day at least when you get there?
도착하면 하루에 5번씩 전화해줄꺼지?
Alice : You're too much (for me to handle)!
너 정말 감당이 안돼!
went/have gone too far!
Alice : Sam, your class is so boring and you're stupid!
쌤 수업 완전 지루하고, 쌤도 멍청해요!
Sam : You've gone too far! I'm calling your parents!
너 완전 도를 지나쳤어! 부모님께 전화하겠어!
out of line
Sam is always out of line with low emotional intelligence.
샘은 낮은 감성적 지능으로 항상 도를 지나쳐.
My boss is a bit(quite) out of line.
우리 사장은 좀(꽤) 너무해.
Your request is too much out of line.
니 요구은 너무 지나치잖아.
I'm afraid that your behavior was out of line.
I'm afraid that your behavior was Uncalled for.
I'm sorry but your behavior was improper.
I'm sorry but your behavior was inappropriate.
실례지만 당신은 내게 너무하는군요.
다른 비슷한 표현
can't stand/take
I just can't stand/take it.
나 도저히 못 참겠어.
I can't stand/take you anymore.
널 더 이상 감당 못하겠어.
push A too hard (to do)
You are pushing me too hard (to study).
나한테 너무 (공부만 하라고) 몰아 부치네요.
make it(things) difficult(hard) (for me) (to work)
You're making it(things) difficult(hard) (for me) (to work).
You make it(things) hard on me.
You're giving me a hard time.
(나를) 너무 (일하기) 힘들게 하는군요.